the National defense, also to include the location of the nat-
ural oyster beds; provided, these beds can be located with-
out extra expense.
No. 11.
WHEREAS, Our sister State of Tennessee is preparing to ap-
propriately celebrate the one-hundredth anniversary of her.,
admission to the American Union, and, also, in connection
therewith, to hold an extensive industrial and international
exhibition, and has, through its representatives, requested the
appointment of Commissioners from the State of Maryland ;
Be it resolved, That the Governor be requested and is
hereby authorized to appoint five (5) or more commissioners to
represent the State, who shall serve without pay, and whose
duty shall be to promote and encourage a full and complete
exhibit of the commercial, industrial, educational, artistic and
other interests of the State by its citizens.
No. 12.
Joint Resolution to protect the interests of the State in the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad Company.
of commis-
WHEREAS, The State of Maryland is largely interested in,
and is the holder of securities of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
road Company; and
WHEREAS, The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company has
been placed in the hands of receivers, and it may be necessary
that the interest of the State in said railroad should be pro-
tected; therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Board of Public Works be, and it is hereby authorized and
directed after consultation with the Attorney-General of the
State to take such action as may be necessary to protect the
interest of the State in the premises.
State's Inter-
ests to be