the first Monday in November, in the year eighteen hundred
and ninety-seven, and until his successor is elected and quali-
No. 8.
Joint Resolution authorizing the State Librarian to lend to the
Library Company of the Baltimore bar certain law books.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
State Librarian be, and he is hereby authorized, if in his judg-
ment the condition of the Library will justify it, and the con-
sent in writing of the permanent library committee be given,
to lend to the Library Company of the Baltimore bar one copy
of each volume of the Journal of the House of Delegates, and
one copy of each volume of the Journal of the Senate, and
one copy of each volume of the said House and Senate Jour-
nals as the same shall hereafter from time to time be published ;
provided, that security satisfactory to the Librarian shall be
given for the safe custody of said books and for the return
thereof to him upon his demand in writing; and provided,
further, that said books shall be deposited and kept in the law
library aforesaid, and for the exclusive use and benefit of the
said Library Company of the Baltimore bar.
No. 9.
Joint Resolution accepting ancient records of Charles County,
as the property of the State of Maryland, and authorizing
the Commissioners of the Land Office, to have the same re-
paired and rebound.
WHEREAS, by the following order, to wit :
May 21, 1889.
loan or law
In the Circuit Court for Charles County, the Clerk is ordered
to hand over to William Francis Cregar, agent of the Com-
missioners of the Land Office, the records of this court, cover-
ing the period from 1662 to 1786, and a volume of extracts of
deeds from 1785 to 1803 to be preserved among the public
records in the Land Office, in Annapolis, and to take an item-