Idaho, in the city of Helena, the capital of Montana, and in
the city of Annapolis, the capital of Maryland, there is hereby
appropriated, out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated,
the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars. Each of said sites
shall contain at least sixteen thousand square feet of ground,
and shall leave an open space around the building to be erected
thereon, including streets and alleys, of at least forty feet,
neither of said sites shall cost in excess of twenty thousand
dollars, and neither of said buildings, each of which shall be
fire proof, shall cost, including the site, heating and ventilating
apparatus, elevators, fire proof vaults, and approaches, com-
plete, in excess of the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand
dollars for the building at Cheyenne, the capital of Wyoming,
two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the building at
Boise City, the capital of Idaho, five hundred thousand dollars
for the building at the city of Helena, the capital of Montana,
and ninety-five' thousand dollars for the building at the city of
Annapolis, the capital of Maryland. The appropriation herein
made shall be available during this fiscal year for the purchase
of sites and the commencement of the construction of the
buildings, with power to contract for each of the said buildings
within the limits herein prescribed.
Resolved, That the Senators and Representatives in Con-
gress from the State of Maryland be and they are hereby re-
quested to specially urge this or some similar or other proper
legislation upon the favorable attention of the 54th Congress,
adequate to secure such public building at Annapolis, Mary-
Bequest to
Resolved, That the Governor of this State be and he ie
hereby requested to transmit a copy of these resolutions, under
the seal of the State, to the Senators and Representatives now
in Congress, from the States of Maryland, Montana, Wyoming
and Idaho, respectively, with a request to each, to duly present
the same to their respective Houses in the 54th Congress.
Copy of
to be sent.
No. 6.
Joint Resolution extending the term of service of Hon. Wil-
liam Shepard Bryan as Judge of Court of Appeals.
WHEREAS, the Honorable William Shepard Bryan, of the
city of Baltimore was elected a Judge of the Court of