naval academy, any removal of the academy would be a breach
of good faith to the State.
Copy of
to be sent.
Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be sent to the
Maryland Senators, Representatives in Congress, with the
request that they be presented to the Congress, and that the
said Maryland Senators and Representatives be further re-
quested to use their influence for the defeat of any bill
purposing to remove the naval academy from its present
No. 5.
Joint Resolution in relation to the erection of a public build-
ing at Annapolis, Maryland, by the general government, for
the purpose of a post office, custom house, &c.
WHEREAS, The State of Maryland is the only State of the
thirteen original States of the Union, the capital of which has
no public building erected thereat by the United States for the
purposes of a post office, custom house, &c.; and
WHEREAS, There has long heretofore existed, and does now
exist, a public necessity for a public building for said purposes,
at Annapolis, Maryland; and
WHEREAS, There is now pending before the Senate of the
United States a bill, to wit: Senate bill No. 676, having for
its object to perfect legislation heretofore enacted for the pro-
curement of suitable sites, and the erection thereon, for similar
purposes, of public buildings at the capital of three of the
States last admitted to the Union, to wit: at Helena, the capital
of Montana, at Cheyenne, the capital of Wyoming, and at
Boise City, the capital of Idaho, and which bill, by appropriate
amendments thereto, could adequately make similar provisions
for a suitable site and the erection thereon of a public build-
ing for similar purposes at Annapolis, Maryland; therefore.
Public build-
lug at
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Congress be and it is hereby memorialized and requested that
it may so amend Senate bill No. 676, 54th Congress, 1st session,
so that it may read as follows, to wit: To enable the Secretary
of the Treasury to select, designate and procure, by purchase
or otherwise, suitable sites, and for the commencement of the
construction of public buildings thereon, in the city of Chey-
enne, the capital of Wyoming, in Boise City, the capital of