Assembly, what deceased citizens of the State are, in the judg-
ment of faid commissioners, most worthy of this national com-
memoration, and particularly to report whether or not in the
judgment of such commissioners one of such statues should be
of Francis Scott Key, the author of our immortal national ode,
" The Star Spangled Banner."
Resolved, That said commissioners shall submit in connection ,
with their report to the General Assembly one or more designs
or models by distinguished American sculptors, for the statue
or statues which they shall so recommend; provided, however,
that nothing herein contained shall be considered or construed
as directly or indirectly committing the General Assembly to
the acceptance of any such design or model, or to the expendi-
ture of any money in the premises until and unless a special
appropriation be hereafter made for the purpose.
Io submit
No. 4.
WHEREAS, It has been currently reported that a bill is to be
introduced into the Congress of the United States, providing
for the removal of the United States Naval Academy from
the city of Annapolis,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
we earnestly protest against any such proposed action upon
the part of the Congress of the United States, it is hereby
declared to be the sense of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, that the present location of the naval academy is admir-
able in every respect, it is near and accessible to the National
Capital, is situated upon an arm of the Chesapeake bay, one
of the finest sheets of water on our coast; that the health
statistics show that the place is healthful, the climate salubri-
ous, and affords a greater opportunity for out-door exercises
than places further north or further south; that the surround-
ings are most desirable for the moral as well as for the physi-
cal welfare of the students at the institution, presenting the
advantages of a quiet and refined society, and a freedom
from the temptations and distractions of large and busy
removal of
naval acad-
Resolved, That the State of Maryland having ceded to the
General Government, for the use of the naval academy, val-
ued property, upon the representation of the Federal Govern-
ment that tiie property is to be used for the purpose of the
Breach of