No. 2.
Joint Resolution requesting the State Librarian to furnish to
the additional judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore
city, a set of the Maryland Reports.
WHEREAS, By the Act of 1894, chapter 284, an additional
judge was added to the Supreme Bench of Baltimore city, and
an additional trial court thereby established; and
WHEREAS, It is necessary for the proper administration of
justice, that said court be provided with a set of the Maryland
Reports; now, therefore,
To furnish
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the State Librarian be, and is hereby directed to furnish imme-
diately, for the use of the additional judge of the Supreme
Bench of Baltimore city, a copy of each of the Maryland Re-
ports, beginning with the earliest, so far as it is possible.
No. 3.
Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to appoint a commis-
sion to report upon the subject of placing statues of distin-
guished citizens of Maryland in the National Hall of Statu-
ary in the Capitol of the United States at Washington.
WHEREAS, By an act of Congress approved July 2, 1864,
(Revised Statutes of the United States, section 1814), the old
Hall of the House of Representatives in the Capitol at Wash-
ington was set apart as a National Hall of Statuary, and each
of the several States of the Union was invited to place therein
two statues of deceased persons who have been citizens of such
State, and illustrious for their historic renown or for distin-
guished civic or military services; and
WHEREAS, Many of the States have long since complied
with said invitation, but Maryland, so far, has altogether neg-
lected so to do; therefore,
of commis-
Resolved by the Senate and House of Delegates, That the
Governor be, and he is hereby requested to appoint a commis-
sion of five citizens of this State, who shall serve without com-
pensation, and whose duty it shall be to consider the subject
and to report to this General Assembly or to the next General