Assented to by the General Assembly of Maryland, at a
session begun on the first day of January and
ended on the thirtieth day of March.
No. 1.
WHEREAS, a message has been introduced and passed by the
Senate, authorizing the appointment of a committee of five, two
on the part of the Senate and three on the part of the House,
WHEREAS, the House of Delegates proposed to increase said
committee from five to seven, three on the part of Senate and
four on the part of House, which proposition was concurred
in, whose duty is and shall be to corresponed with, and if ne-
cessary visit the General Assembly of Virginia, or a committee
of the same, now in session to propose concurrent legislation
upon the catching of food fish by pound nets &c., and,
WHEREAS, there are claims pending before the General As
sembly growing out of damages alleged to have been sustained
by citizens of Maryland in the waters of Tangier Sound, in
Somerset county, by the incursion of the Oyster Police Force of
Virginia, when they, within the territory of the State of Mary-
land did seize and take into possession, the property of citizens of
Maryland, and remove the same property to the County of Ac-
comae within the State of Virginia, causing great loss to the
citizens of Maryland, who had been licensed by the State of
Maryland to employ their property in and upon said waters
where such unlawful seizures were made by the Oyster Police
Force of Virginia,
Therefore be it resolved by the Senate with the concurrence
of the House that the said committee referred to above are
hereby authorized and directed to bring to the attention of the
General Assembly of Virginia, or a committee of the same,
the claims now pending before this General Assembly, together
all affidavits and other data bearing upon such claims, and. en-
deavor to secure from the State of Virginia reimbursement to
the citizens of Maryland, for all damages caused by the illegal
action of the Oyster Police Force of the State of Virginia.
Duty of