lot on the road running from the Buckingham Cemetery to the
D. M. and V. Railroad; thence in an easterly course, by and
with the south side of said road and the south line of said
cemetery, to the beginning, and the council of said town
may make such alterations in said limits as they may deem
32. The male citizens of Berlin, who have resided within
the corporate limits of said town six months next preceding
Mayor and
the election and who are above the age of twenty-one years
and male inhabitants of Worcester county twenty-one years
old, who are taxpayers in said town, shall, on the first Monday
in the May, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and on the same
day every second year thereafter, elect, by ballot, one person
to be Mayor, and likewise, on the first Monday in May, eigh-
teen hundred and ninety-six, elect, by ballot, five persons to be
councilmen, and on the same day every second year thereafter,
elect, by ballot, three persons as councilmen to succeed those
whose terms of office are about to expire; and it shall be the
duty of the thre,e newly elected councilmen, at their first reg-
ular meeting to designate, by lot, two of their number to re-
main in office for four years.
33. Any person elected as Mayor or Councilman shall, before
he enters upon the duties of his office, make oath before the
clerk of the Circuit Court for Worcester county or before a
justice of the peace for said county, that he will diligently and
faithfully, without favor, partiality or prejudice, perform the
duties of such Mayor or Councilman of said town, a certificate
of which shall be returned by said court or justice of the peace
and filed and recorded among the proceedings of said Mayor
and Council.
34. If any vacancy shall happen in the office of Mayor or
Council by death, removal, resignation, failure to qualify or
otherwise, the remaining Councilmen at their next regular
meeting shall elect a suitable person as Mayor or Councilman,
as the case may be, to serve until the next election, who shall
subscribe to the oath, which shall be certified to and recorded
as in the preceding section, and at the next election the qualified
voters shall elect by ballot or person to fill the said vacancy for
the unexpired term.
Duties of
35. The Mayor shall see that the ordinances are faithfully
executed and shall report to the council after each election the
condition of municipal affairs, accompanying his reports, with
such recommendations as he may deem proper for the public