good and welfare of the town; he shall have the power of
vetoing any ordinances as hereinafter provided, and for his
services shall receive an annual salary of not over fifty
36. The Mayor shall publish in one or more newspapers in
said town or county by hand-bills posted conspicuously in said
town, at least ten days prior to holding such election notice
thereof, which notice shall state the object of such election, the
day and hour of polling and the officers to be voted for. He
shall also appoint, three days prior to holding such election,
three citizens, qualified voters of said town to act as judges of
election, who before entering upon the discharge of their
duties, shall take oath before the clerk of the Circuit Court of
Worcester county or before a justice of the peace for said
county, to act fairly and impartially as judges of election for
Notice of
Mayor and Councilmen, and in case of failure of said person
so appointed to appear and qualify the Mayor shall issue a cer-
tificate to one or more persons to act as such judge or judges,
who shall qualify as above; they shall appoint one or their
number as clerk, they shall keep the polls open from 2 o'clock
P. M. to six o'clock, P. M., and they shall within two days
after the election return under their hands the number of votes
cast and for whom cast with a copy of their oath, to the clerk
of the Circuit Court for Worcester county, or to a justice of
the peace of said county, who shall file the same at once and
issue certificates of election to the persons receiving the largest
number of votes. Said certificates shall be recorded among
the proceedings of the council; should the Mayor fail to per-
form the duties imposed upon him, he shall be subject to
indictment in the Circuit Court for Worcester county, and
upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars to
be paid into the treasury of said town.
37. The council shall meet the second Monday ensuing their
election and shall hold stated meetings the first Monday of
every month thereafter, and adjourned meeting or meetings
called by the Mayor, or as often as necessary for the trans-
action of business; a majority of the councilmen shall consti-
tute a quorum.
Meetings of
38. At their first regular meeting after their election and
the qualification of the newly elected members, or as soon
thereafter as practicable, the Mayor, by and with the advice of
the council, shall appoint one person who shall be a member
of said council, who shall be secretary and treasurer to said
board, one person who shall be a policeman, one person as tax
Officers of