AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments sections 29
to 48, both inclusive, of Article 24 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "Worcester County," sub-title "Berlin,"
and to add certain new sections to said Article and sub-title,
to follow Section 48, and to be designated as Sections 48 A,
48B, 48 C, 48 D and 48 E.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That sections 29 to 48, both inclusive, of Article 24 of
the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Worcester County,"
sub-title "Berlin," be and the same are hereby repealed and
re-enacted with amendments, and that certain new sections be
and the same are hereby added to said article and sub title, to
follow section 48, to be designated as sections 48 A, 48 B, 48 C,
48 D and 48 E, and to read as to said sections repealed and re-
enacted and said new sections, as follows :
New sections.
29. The inhabitants of Berlin, Worcester county, Maryland,
are hereby made and declared a body corporate by the name
of the Mayor and Council of Berlin, and by that name shall
have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, use a common
seal and possess such powers and privileges and incidents as
may attach by law to a municipal corporation, and may pur-
chase and hold real estate, personal and mixed property, and
dispose of the same for the benefit of said town.
A body corpo-
30. The government of said town shall be vested in a Mayor
and five councilmen, to be selected as hereinafter provided,
who shall be real estate owners and qualified voters of said
town twelve months next preceding their election, and their
term of office shall be as provided by section 32 of this article
or until their successors are elected and qualified.
of town.
31. The taxable and corporate limits of said town shall
begin at the southeast corner of the Buckingham Cemetery,
and shall run from thence by and with the south side of the
Newport road, via the African M. E. Church, to the northwest
corner of the Major Hill lot, and thence to the intersection of
the Synepuxent road with Hudson's branch; thence to the
south side of the bridge over Nelson's branch on the Taylor-
ville road; thence to the south side of the bridge at the inter-
section of the St. Martin's and Wholeyville roads; thence to
the gate of the heirs of Littleton P. Franklin, on the Liberty-
town road; thence to the southwest corner of H. D. Tingle's
Limits of