Various gilts
etc, sanc-
dred and ninety-five, and recorded among the land records of
Baltimore city, in Liber J. B. No. 1564, folio 447, &c.
Seventy ninth. To the following leases and deeds to the
Greenmount Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore
city: (1.) A. lease from George R. Vickers, trustee, by inden-
ture, dated the twenty-first day of March, eighteen hundred
and eighty-four, and recorded among the land records of Bal-
timore city, in Liber J. B. No. 1002, folio 447 &c., of a lot of
ground in Baltimore city, at the northwest cerner of Chase and
McKirn streets having a front of fifty- two feet on the west side
of McKim street and an even width for depth one hundred
feet, reserving a yearly rent of one hundred and thirty dollars :
(2.) A lease from George R. Vickers, trustee, dated the first
day of November, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, and re-
corded among the land records of Baltimore city, in Liber J.
B. No. 1027, folio 319 &c., of a lot of ground in Baltimore
city, having a front of sixteen feet on McKim street, with an
even width for depth of one hundred feet, reserving a yearly
rent of forty dollars, and (3) a deed from George R. Vickers,
trustee, dated the eleventh day of March, eighteen hundred
and ninety-six, and recorded among the land records of Balti-
more city, conveying to the said Greenmount Avenue Metho- ,
dist Episcopal Church of Baltimore city, the two lots of ground
above described, and the yearly ground rents, thereout issuing.
Eightieth, To the deed from the Madison Square Centenary
Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore city, dated the tenth
day of April, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and recorded
among the land records of Baltimore city, in Liber J. B., No.
1446, folio 391, &c., to the North Avenue Methodist Episco-
pal Church of Baltimore city, of a lot of ground at the south-
west corner of North avenue and Caroline street in the city of
Baltimore, having a front on North avenue of one hundred
feet, with an even width for depth of one hundred and twenty
feet, subject to a yearly rent of four hundred and twenty-five
dollars; and to the conveyance by Joshua Regester and wife
to the said North Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church of
Baltimore city, by deed dated the second day of December,
eighteen hundred and ninety-three, recorded among the land
records of Baltimore city, in Liber J. B., No. 1477, folio '531,
&c., of the lot of ground above described, and the yearly rent
of four hundred and twenty-five dollars issuing thereout.
Eighty-first. To the bequest of the sum of one hundred
dollars under the will of Sarah Hoepensmith, late of Frederick