described in the following deeds to said Presbyterian Associ-
ation, to wit: one bearing date the tenth day of June, eighteen-
hundred and seventy-five, from the Committee of the Second
Presbyterian Church, Society or Congregation in the city of
Baltimore, recorded among the land records of said city, in
Liber G. R., No. 706, folio 313; one other of said deeds bear-
ing date the first day of September, eighteen hundred and
ninety-four, from John L. Reed and wife, recorded among the
land records aforesaid, in Liber J. B., No. 1562, folio 209 ;
and the third deed bearing date the first day of May, eigh-
teen hundred and ninety-five, from John F. Hakesley et al,
and recorded, as aforesaid, in Liber J. B., No. 1562, folio
'211, &c.
Sixty-second. To the bequest and devise under the will of
Mary Parker, late of Calvert county, deceased, to the vestry of
Christ Church Parish in said county and of the Protestant
Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, of the farm situated near said
church, and known as Valley Grove, (being the old Taylor
place or homestead of the late Dr. J. M. Taylor, deceased, the
father of the said Mary Parker.)
Sixty-third. To the following bequests under the will of
Patrick Brady, late of Baltimore city, deceased, said will
being recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of Balti-
more city, in Liber T. P. C., No. 28, folio 46, &c., and said
bequests being as follows: the bequest of seventy-five dollars
to the Trustees of St. Peter's Church school; a bequest of
seventy -five dollais to the Protectors of St. Mary's Orphan
Female School; a bequest of seventy-five dollars to St. Vin-
cent de Paul's Benevolent Association; a bequest of seventy-
five dollars to the Trustees of the Orphans' Home of Balti-
more county; a bequest to the trustees, managers or proper
authorities of St. Peter's Catholic Church, Poppleton street in
the city of Baltimore, of the legacies specified to be paid by
the said last will and testament, as follows: to Rose Riley,
four hundred dollars, to Thomas Brady three hundred dollars,
to Thomas Brady three hundred dollars, to James Brady three
hundred dollars; which legacies have lapsed as mentioned in
said will, whereby they have become payable under the pro-
visions of said will and testament, to the trustees, managers or
proper authorities of St. Peter's Catholic Church, Poppleton
street in the city of Baltimore.
Sixty fourth. To the gift and conveyance by the Presby-
terian Association of Baltimore city to "Faith Presbyterian
Church, in the city of Baltimore, of two pieces or parcels of
Various girts,
etc., sanc-