Various gifts
etc., sanc-
November, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore city, in Liber
J. B. No. 1591, folio 46, &c.; and said Adoss Jaschuren
Hebrew Congregation is authorized to redeem the annual rent
reserved, in the aforesaid lease at any time it may see tit so
to do, and to accept a deed therefor.
Twenty-eighth. To the deed of conveyance from John T.
Wood to "The Ministers and Trustees of the Methodist Prot-
estant Church of West Baltimoie Station in the city of Balti-
more," of the lots of ground and property mentioned and de-
scribed in said deed, which is dated the 7th day of September,
eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore city, in Liber J. B. No. 1519, folio
334, &c.
Twenty-ninth. To the bequest of three thousapd dollars to
trustees for the use and benefit of Zion Church, which adheres
to and recognizes the General Conference held at Philadelphia,
Pa., in eighteen hundred and ninety-one, said church being
located at Cearfoss, in Election District No. 13, in Washington
county, and said bequest being contained in the last will and
testament of Lydia Wingert, late of Franklin county, Penn-
sylvania, deceased, and admitted to probate on the thirteenth
day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and
recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of said Frank-
lin county, Pennsylvania.
Thirtieth. To the bequest of three "first mortgage bonds"
of the Baltimore Belt Railroad Company, of one thousand
dollars each, to the Associated Professors of Saint Mary's
Seminary, in the city of Baltimore, contained in the last will
and testament of John Carroll Walsh, late of Harford county,
Thirty first. To the bequest of an annuity or yearly sum of
one hundred dollars, bequeathed by the last will and testament
of William H. Hoffman, late of Baltimore county, deceased,
to the trustees, vestry or other usual representatives of Mount
Tabor Church in the Sixth Election District of Baltimore
county, to receive, use and disburse the said sum, so bequeathed
for the uses and purposes contained in the said last will and
testament of the said William H. Hoffman.
Thirty-second. To a deed from the Franklin Street Presby-
terian Congregation in the city of Baltimore, to the Maryland
Avenue Presbyterian Church of Baltimore city, bearing date