Mayor; and C. M. Rathbun, George P. White, William W.
Sweet, Robert E. Burley, Abram L. Spiker and Benjamin F.
Crane shall be and are hereby constituted councilmen; and
Chas. A. Combs shall be and is hereby constituted chief
bailiff; and Brison Welch shall be and is hereby constituted
clerk; and Charles A. Ashby shall be and is hereby consti-
tuted treasurer; that at the first election on the first Monday
of May, 1896, there shall be elected two councilmen for the
term of one year, two for the term of two years and two for
the term of three years; and there shall be two councilmen
elected annually thereafter for the term of three years.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said Mayor
and Council shall have the power to appoint judges and clerks
Judges and
clerks of
of election, and such appointees shall conduct an election by
ballot on the first Monday of May in the year eighteen hun-
dred and ninety-six, and annually thereafter, on the first Mon-
day of May, at such place as shall have been designated by
them, between one o'clock P. M. and six o'clock P. M., for
the election of all officers whose term expire on that date.
They shall give at least ten days' notice of the time and place
of holding such election, by posting written or printed notices
in at least six public and conspicuous places in said town, one
of which places shall be the outer door of the room in which
the regular meetings of the council are held.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor shall
Mayor to pre-
side at
provide at all meetings of the council, and shall call such
meetings, as he shall, from time to time, deem necessary, but
shall have no vote upon any pending question, except in case
of tie, when he shall have the deciding vote; but, in the event
of the absence of the Mayor for any reason, the members of
the council present shall elect one of their own number to
preside during his absence, who shall, for the time being, be
clothed with all the powers and authority of said Mayor.
The council shall pass rules and regulations for their govern-
ment while in session. All vacancies in the office of Mayor
and Councilmen shall be filled by a special election called by
the remaining number of said council, and held within thirty
days after such vacancy shall occur, after giving a similar
notice to the one required for a general election; vacancies
in any other office shall be filled, until the next general or
annual election, by appointment by said council.
Meeting of
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the council shall
meet in some convenient place in said town on or before
the first Monday in June next succeeding their election, and as