be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law or equity
and may have and use a common seal.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the corporate limits of said
town shall be as follows: Beginning at the south line of the
lands of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, and at
the crossing known as the Jameson crossing, and at the west
side of the county road known as the Wonderly road; and
running thence along said county road and Jameson's line,
fiouth 71-4 degrees west, 107 feet to a stake; thence south 63
degrees west, 66 feet; thence south 89 degrees east, 132 feet ;
thence south 61 1/2 degrees east, 39 1/2 feet; thence south 41
degrees east, 726 feet; thence south 45 1/2 degrees east, 1089
feet; thence south 19 degrees east, 840 feet to the corner of
W. T. Jameson's fence; thence south 28 degrees east, 240 feet
to the grand boulevard, as shown on the map of Loch Lynn
Heights, which is duly recorded; thence along said boulevard
easterly to the west side of Price street; thence along said
Price street north 26 1/2 degrees east, 2206 feet; thence north
63 1/4 degrees west 580 feet, to the county road; thence with and
including the county road by the meanders thereof, in a north-
erly direction to the south line of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company's lands; thence along said line of the said
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company's lands, in a westerly di-
rection to the place of beginning.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That all persons over
twenty-one years of age, and who have resided within said
corporate limits for the period of six months preceding any
election of officers for this corporation, shall be entitled to
vote at such election. The elective officers of said town shall
be a Mayor, six councilmen, a clerk, a treasurer and a chief
bailiff, all of whose terms, of office shall be three years, as
of voters.
hereinafter provided. No person shall be eligible to the office
of councilmen or Mayor unless he is a male citizen of said
town, and has the title to real estate within the corporate limits
thereof. In case any person having been elected as Mayor of
councilmen shall cease to be a resident or freeholder in said
corporation, he shall immediately cease to hold or exercise said
office and it is hereby declared vacant, and shall be tilled as
hereinafter provided. The Mayor and councilmen shall receive
no pay for their services, except the Mayor, who shall be en-
titled to the fees hereafter allowed.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That until the first Mon-
day in May, 1896, and until their successors are duly elected
and qualified, A. H. Frey shall be and is hereby constituted
Present offi-
cers of town.