twenty-five cents for each of the first three witnesses sum-
moned and returned, and for each additional witness, the sum
of five cents; the fees of the constable in the sixth district
shall be the same as herein allowed to constables in the other
districts, but shall be collected, paid to and accounted for by
the justice of the peace, as the preceding sections prescribed ;
and no warrant shall be issued by the justice of the peace to
the constables of said sixth district on the oath or affirmation
of any other constable, and no warrant shall be issued by said
justice of the peace to constable on the oath or affirmation 6f
any police officer of the city of Annapolis; and when any
warrant is issued by a justice of the peace on the complaint,
oath or affirmation of any constable, and such charge shall be
dismissed, or the defendant acquitted, no fees in such cases
shall be allowed by the County Commissioners, or the Mayor,
Counsellor and Alderman, to any officer serving such warrant
or other process; the constable of the sixth district of said
county, for the service of all process and summonses for wit-
nesses made by him in criminal cases, shall receive from the
County Commissioners the sum of fifty dollars per month,
Eayable in cash, or by levy equivalent to cash, on the day of
is making report, as provided in the preceding sections; pro-
vided, that if the amount of the constable's fees for services
of process by him, as may appear by his report and the report
of the justice of the peace, is less than fifty dollars, then and
in that case such constable shall only receive the amount
of fees appearing by said reports to have been earned by
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 4, 1896.
AN ACT to incorporate the town of Loch Lynn Heights, in
Garrett county, Maryland.
A body cor-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the citizens of the town of Loch Lynn Heights in
Garrett county be and are hereby created a body corporate by
the name of the Mayor and Council of Loch Lynn Heights,
with all the powers and privileges of a body politic and corpo-
rate, and by said name may have perpetual succession, sue and