AN ACT to authorize the clerk of the Superior Court of Bal-
timore city to prepare new indexes to certain of the land
records in his office, and to transcribe and rearrange the same.
WHEREAS, The alphabetical indexes of the land records in
the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore city
from 1659 to 1864 had no other or additional subdivisions than
the twenty-six letters of the alphabet, and the name of grantors
and grantees were all included together in the same volume,
and by reason of long use the same are in a large measure in a
mutilated condition, and in view of the great importance of
these records and the indexes, and the large and increasing
business of the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Bal-
timore city, it is desirable and proper that the said mutilated
indexes shall be restored, and that a different and more approved
system of indexes shall be adopted; therefore,
To mate
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That it shall be the duty of the clerk of the Superior
Court of Baltimore city forthwith upon the passage of this act
to make and prepare for use in his said office new indexes of
all land records and conveyances in his keeping from the year
1569 down to and including the year 1864, dividing the grantees
and grantors, and rearrange in accordance with the modern sys-
tem as now used in the said office for the current work.
revenue to
be used.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of
carrying out and performing the duty imposed by the first sec-
tion of this act the clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore
city shall apply the surplus revenues of his office.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 4, 1896.
AN ACT to amend Chapter 334, of the General Assembly
of Maryland, Session of 1890, entitled an Act to regulate
the granting of license for the sale of spirituous liquors in
Baltimore County, by adding an additional section thereto,
to be designated as Section 4 A, to come in after Section 4
of said chapter.