SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That sections 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45 of Article 39 of
the Code of Public General Laws, entitled " Eish and Fishe-
ries," be, and the same are hereby repealed, and the following
enacted in lieu thereof :
40. It shall not be lawful for any person to catch or kill any
black bass, green bass, rock bass, pike or pickerel, or wall-eyed
pike (commonly known as salmon), between the 15th day of
April and the 1st day of June of each year; nor catch or kill
any of said species of fish at any other time during the year,
save only with a rod, hook and line or dip-net. The words
"took and line" shall not include trot lines or out lines.
41. Any person violating the provisions of this act shall be
Catching of
bass, etc.,
guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punishable, on convic-
tion, by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six
months, or by a fine not exceeding $200, or by fine and impris-
onment; and it shall be the duty of the Circuit Court of the
counties abutting on the Potomac river above the Little Falls,
at each session of the Grand Jury to call its attention to the
provisions of this law.
and penalty.
42. That the provisions of this law shall not be applicable
below the Little Falls, near Washington, and that the same
shall become effective whenever they shall be adopted by the
respective-named States, and the proclamation by the Governor
of this State of such action by the said States of Virginia and
West Virginia.
Where not to
And be it further enacted, That the Governor of this State
is hereby authorized and requested to transmit a certified copy
of.this act to the Governors of the State of Virginia and West
Virginia, and, upon satisfactory information of the adoption by
said States of the provisions of this' act to make proclamation,
as hereinbefore provided.
Approved April 4, 1896.
Duty of
AN ACT to amend Sections 250, 251, 252 and 253 of Article
13 of Code of Public Local Laws, title " Harford County,"
sub-title " Sheriff," by adding a section, to be known
aa Section 254, providing a definite time when the Sheriff
of Harford County shall enter upon the duties of his