building thereon, suitable in all respects to properly accommo-
date the white school children in said city, in accordance
with the agreement entered into by said Mayor and City Coun-
cil with the County Commissioners and the School Commis-
sioners of Harford county.
May issue
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of raising
the amount necessary for said contribution and to properly
repair the public buildings belonging to said city, the Mayor
and City Council of Havre de Grace are hereby authorized and
empowered to borrow on the credit of said city an amount not
exceeding the sum of ten thousand dollars, and to issue bonds
therefor under the seal of said city in sums of not less than
one hundred dollars or any multiple thereof, to be signed by
the Mayor and countersigned by the treasurer of said city, said
bonds to bear interest at the rate of five per centum per annum,
payable semi-annually at the First National Bank of Havre de
Grace, or at such other place as the Mayor and City Council
shall designate on the first day of June and the first day of
November in each, until the principal is paid or called in, and
said bonds shall be exempt from county and municipal taxation,
and shall have printed on them a distinct reference to this act
as authorizing the issue thereof, and the said bonds shall be
issued to mature not earlier than the 1st day of June, 1911,
and the said bonds shall not be sold for less than their par or
face value, and that said bonds shall be issued without submit-
ting the question of their issue to a vote of the citizens of
Havre de Grace, all provisions of the charter of the said city
to the contrary notwithstanding.
of bonds.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That after the expiration of ten
years from the issue of said bonds, the Mayor and City Council
may from time to time redeem them or any part of them, and
if they determine to redeem and pay only a part of said issue,
they shall have the right to determine by lot which of said
bonds are to be redeemed, and when said bonds are thus selected
for redemption the Mayor and City Council shall give notice
by advertisement in a paper or papers published in the city of
Havre de Grace the numbers of the bonds called in, and when
and where they are to be paid, and interest shall cease on said
called bonds from and after the date so fixed for their redemp-
Sinking fund
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and City Council
of Havre de Grace shall at all times preserve and keep as a
sinking fund for the payment of the principal and interest of
all the bonded debt of said city, including that which may be