Andrew Bilson, the sum of one hundred and seven dollars; to
Geo. W. Walthers &, Co., the sum of two hundred and eighty-
three dollars and sixty-eight cents; to Eugene M. Morris, the
sum of twelve dollars and seventy-six cents; to Campbell &
Co., the sum of twenty dollars and nineteen cents; to Waters,
Nelson & Co., the sum of twenty-five dollars and thirty-seven
cents; to Klipper & Webster, the sum of forty dollars and
fifty cents; to F. W. McAllister, the sum of nine dollars and
sixty cents; to Minch & Eisenbrey, the sum of twenty-six
dollars; to J. Henry New & Co., the sum of thirty-six dollars ;
Wm. H. Rothrock, the sum of two hundred fifty-four dollars
aud forty cents; to J. H. Medairy & Co., the sum of one
hundred and sixty dollars; to Cummins Photo. Stock Com-
pany, the sum of sixty-five dollars; to E. Hatton, the sum of
seven dollars and eighty-nine cents, and to Chandler & Barber,
the sum of two hundred and fifteen dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 19th, 1896.
AN ACT to establish a State Geological and Economic Sur-
vey, and to make provision for the preparation and publica-
tion of reports and maps to illustrate the natural resources
of the State, together with the necessary investigations
preparatory thereto.
State Geolog-
ical and
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the/e is hereby established a State Geological and
Economic Survey, which shall be under the direction of a
commission composed of the Governor, the Comptroller, the
president of the Johns Hopkins' University and the president
of the Maryland Agricultural College, who shall serve without
compensation, but shall be re-imbursed for actual expenses
incurred in the performance of their official duties; aud the
said commissioners shall have general charge of the survey,
and shall appoint as superintendent of the same a geologist of
established reputation, and upon his nomination such assistants
and employes as they may deem necessary; and they shall also
determine the compensation of all persons employed by the
survey, and may remove them at pleasure.