warrant upon the Treasurer, payable to William D. Pyles, of
Prince George's county, Maryland, for the amount of eighteen
dollars and eighty cents ($18.80), said amount being due the
said William D. Pyles as taxes erroneously paid by him to said
State Treasurer on erroneously assessed property, as per certifi-
cate attached.
Approved March 23d, 1896.
AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money to pay the Treas-
urer of the State Board of Education, the amount of sundry
bills paid by him for repairs to the State Normal School
Building, and for necessary furniture for the recent addition
to said building.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Comptroller of the Treasury be, and he is
hereby authorized and directed to issue his warrant upon the
Treasurer of Maryland, to pay the treasurer of the State
Board of Education the sum of one thousand six hundred and
thirty dollars and sixty-five cents, being the amount of sundry
bills paid by him under the direction of the State Board of
Education for material furnished and work done in repairing
Maryland Sj»te Normal School Building, and for necessary
furniture for the recent addition to said building, in the years
eighteen hundred and ninety-four and eighteen hundred and
ninety-five, to the following persons and firms, viz: To C. J.
Stewart & Sons, the sum of twenty-two dollars and ninety
cents; Emmart & Quartley, the sum of fourteen dollars and
ten cents; J. W. Loan, the sum of ten dollars; to George
Schurnacher, the sum of thirty-two dollars; to Schumacher &
Rice, the sum of twelve" dollars and seventy-one cents; to
Snyder & Kilmer, the sum of five dollars and eight cents; to
Thos. C. Basshor & Co., the sum of thirty-eight dollars and
forty-seven cents; to J. L. McCree. the sum of thirty-four
dollars and forty-two cents; to John H. Briel, the sum of two
dollars and fifty cents; to J. W. Pugsley, the sum of one
hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-four cents; to C. Y.
Davidson & Co., the sum of twenty-one dollars and ninety-
nine cents; to A. Myers, the sum of three dollars and forty-
five cents; to John Smith, the sum of three dollars; to