SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the survey shall have for
its objects :
(1.) An examination of the geological formations of the
State, with especial reference to their economic products, viz :
building stones, clays, ores and other mineral substances.
(2.) An examination and classification of the soils and a
etudy of their adaptability to particular crops.
(3.) An examination of the physical features of the State,
with reference to their practical bearing upon the occupations
of the people.
(4.) The preparation of special geological and economic
maps to illustrate the resources of the State.
(5.) The preparation of special reports, with necessary illus-
trations and maps, which shall embrace both a general and
detailed description of the geology and natural resources of
the State.
(6.) The consideration of such other scientific and economic
questions as, in the judgment of the commissioners, shall be
deemed of value to the people of the State.
Objects of
SEO. 3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners shall
cause to be prepared a report to the Legislature before each
meeting of the same, showing the progress and condition of
the survey, together with such other information as they may
deem necessary and useful or as the Legislature may require.
Report to be
made to
SEO. 4. And be it enacted, That the regular and special
reports of the survey, with proper illustrations and maps, shall
be printed as the commissioners may direct, and that the
reports shall be distributed or sold by the said commissioners
as the interest of the State and of science demands, and all
moneys obtained by the sale of the reports shall be paid into
the State treasury.
Reports to be
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That all material collected, after
having served the purposes of the survey, shall be distributed
by the commissioners to the educational institutions, in such
manner as to be of the greatest advantage to the educational
interests of the State; or, if deemed advisable, the whole or
a part of such material shall be put on permanent exhibition.
Disposal cf
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the sum of ten thousand
dollars annually, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is
hereby appropriated out of any funds of the treasury not
otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of carrying out the
provisions of this act.