pany, he, she or they for every such offense shall forfeit and
pay to said company or their authorized agent or attorney not
less than $50, which may be recovered in the name of the said
company by an action of debt in the Circuit Court of the
county wherein said offenses shall be committed, and shall also
be subject to indictment in said court, and, upon conviction of
said offense, shall be punished by fine and imprisonment at the
discretion of the court as by law now prescribed.
SEC. 20. The said president and board of directors shall have
power to borrow money for the purposes of this act, and to
make and issue bonds bearing such rate of interest not exceed-
ing 6 per cent, per annum, payable at such times and places
and in such amount or amounts as it may deem expedient, and
to sell and dispose of such bonds at such prices and in such
manner as it may deem proper, and to secure the payment of
such bonds by mortage or deed of trust of its railroad, or any
part thereof, and its real and personal property and franchises,
and all of the property and franchises of such corporation em-
braced or intended to be embraced in any such mortgage or
deed of trust, whether then held or thereafter acquired, shall
be subject to the lien and operation of such mortgage or deed
of trust, and in case of a sale under the same, shall pass to and
become vested in the purchaser or purchasers thereof, so as to
enable him or them to form a new corporation in the manner
prescribed in sections 187 to 193, inclusive, of Article 23 of the
Code of Public Genera] Laws, and to vest in said new corpora-
tion all the faculties, powers, rights, immunities, privileges and
franchises possessed by its predecessor or conferred by this
May issue
SEC. 21. The president and directors of said company shall
have full power and authority to connect said road, which may
be constructed under the provisions of this act, with any other
railroad now existing or which may hereafter be constructed,
and also, to make such contracts and arrangements with the
president and directors of such railroad for the through trans-
portation of passengers and merchandise, and all property of
what kind soever in the cars or carriages of either company,
as may appear to said president and directors convenient and
Hay connect
with other
SEC. 22. The said company shall have the power to sell, lease,
assign or transfer its stock, property and franchises or any of
them to, or to consolidate the same with those of any other
railroad company incorporated under the laws of this State or
any other State or of the United States, whose railroad, within
May consoli-
date with
other roads