ing four cents per mile for each passenger; and it shall not be
lawful for any person or persons or for any corporate body to
travel upon or use the roads of the said company, or to trans-
port any persons, merchandise or property of any description,
upon or along the road or roads of the said company, without
the license or permission of the president and directors of the
said company.
Bell to be
SEC. 17. A bell shall be placed on each locomotive-engine
which shall be used by said company, which bell shall be rung
at a distance of at least one hundred rods from the place where
the railroad shall cross any traveled public road or street, and
kept ringing until it shall have crossed such road or street, or a
steam whistle shall be attached to each locomotive-engine used
upon said road, and be sounded at least one hundred rods from
the place where the railroad shall cross any such road or street,
and shall be sounded at intervals until it shall have crossed such
road or street, and a bell or gong shall be placed on each elec-
tric motor used on said road, which shall be sounded at least
one hundred (100) yards from the place where the said railroad
shall cross any such road or street, and shall be sounded at inter-
vals until it shall have crossed such road or street, under the
penalty of thirty dollars for the neglect of the provisions of
this section, to be sued for, before any justice of the peace of
the election district or ward in which such neglect may happen,
in ten days after such penalty was incurred, one-half thereof to
go to the informer and the other half to go to the county or
city in which such neglect may happen; and such company
shall also be liable for all damages which shall be sustained by
any person by reason of such neglect; and all penalties im-
posed by this act may be sued for in the name of the State,
and if such penalty shall be for a sum not exceeding $100,
then such suit may be brought »before a justice of the peace,
and may be commenced by serving a summons on any director,
agent or engineer of said company.
SEC. 18. The board of directors shall, once in each year, or
semi-annually, declare and make such dividends as they may
deem proper of the net profits arising from the resources of
the said company, first deducting the current and probable con-
tingent expenses, and shall apportion the same among the stock,
holders of said company in proportion to their respective shares.
property or
SEC. 19. In case any person shall wilfully obstruct, injure,
impair or destroy any part of said road, or any of the works,
buildings, carriages, vehicles, engines, or machines of said com-