damages, if any, incurred in changing the site or location of
such road, shall be ascertained and paid by such company in
the same manner as is provided for in regard to the lands and
property taken for the location and construction of said road
or roads.
SEC. 15. The said company is hereby authorized and em-
powered to build and construct and maintain such bridge or
bridges over any navigable water or waters, stream or streams,
on the line or route of said railroad between the city of Balti-
more and Drum Point, as the said railroad may be located, and
on the line or route of any branch of the said railroad, as the
president and directors of the said company may deem expedi-
ent for the use of the said railroad; provided, that such bridge
or bridges and the fixtures thereof shall be built upon such
plan and in such condition and with such necessary draw or
draws as not to impede navigation, and so as to allow the free
passage, without any unnecessary delay, through such draw or
draws, of all vessels that are unable to pass under such bridge
or bridges, and the said company is hereby authorized to pur-
chase, hold and maintain any existing bridge or bridges over
any such navigable water, and to use the same for the crossing
of their said railroad or any branch thereof, anything in any
Act of Assembly authorizing the building of any such bridge
or bridges to the contrary notwithstanding; and provided fur-
ther, that any bridge or bridges that may be used by the said
Baltimore and Southern Railroad Company as a crossing over
the Patapsco river between Anne Arundel county and Balti-
more city, or over the Patuxent river between Prince George's
and Anne Arundel counties, shall be so constructed and main-
tained by the said company, so as to afford free, safe and con-
venient accommodations for general travel over the same.
May build
SEC. 16. The president and directors shall have power to
purchase with the funds of the company, and place and use
on any railroad constructed by them under this act, all
machines, vehicles or carriages of any description whatever,
which they may deem proper for the purposes of transporta-
tion on the said road, and they shall have the power to charge
for tolls upon and the transportation of persons, goods, pro-
May use car-
riages, etc.
duce, merchandise or property of any description transported
by them on said railroad or railroads, any sums not exceeding
the following rates, that is to say: on all goods or merchan-
dise or property transported on said roads, not exceeding eight
cents per ton for both tolls and transportation for every mile
the same may be transported, and for passengers, not exceed-
Rates of