May change
grade of
SEC. 11. The said company is hereby authorized and empow-
ered from time to time, and at any and all times hereafter, to alter
or change the location or grade of any part or parts of its said
road or any branch thereof, whenever it shall deem it necessary
or expedient, provided the said company in making the said
changes or alterations shall not cause its main road to digress
from any of the points designated in its charter as to finding
the route of said road; and in making such changes or altera-
tions in the location or grade of the said road or its branches
ihe said company shall have and exercise all the powers con-
ferred by this act, for the purpose of originally locating and
constructing said road, and they shall pay damages to the
owner of the lands over which the new route may be located,
to be ascertained as hereinbefore provided.
Use of
roads, etc.
SEC. 12. If it shall be necessary or expedient for said com-
pany to occupy any part of any road, street, lane, alley or
public way or ground of any kind, it shall be competent for
the municipal or other public officers or authorities owning or
having charge or control thereof, and the said company, to
agree upon the terms and conditions on which the same may
be so occupied, and in case they are unable to agree, the said
company may appropriate so much of the same as may be
necessary, and in the same manner and on the same terms as is
Erovided for the appropriation of the property of individuals
By the provisions of the said charter and of this act.
How roads
to be crossed.
SEC. 13. Whenever, in the construction of said road or roads,
it shall be necessary to cross or intersect any established road
or way, the said president and directors shall so construct the
said road across such established road or way, as not to impede
the passage or transportation of persons or property along the
same, and when it shall be necessary to pass through the lands
of any individual, it shall also be their duty to provide for
such individuals, proper wagon-ways across said road or roads
from one part of his land to the other.
site of
SEC. 14. Whenever, in the construction of said road or roads,
the said company shall find it necessary or expedient to change
the site of any portion of any public road, it shall cause the
same to be constructed at its own proper cost and expense on
another location, to be selected by and under the authority of
the County Commissioners of the county; or if the said
County Commissioners shall fail to make such selection within
thirty days after being requested to do so by the said company,
then on such location as may be selected by the said company,
and in as perfect a manner as the original road, provided the