county, who shall be appointed from and reside in the town of
Kensington or immediate vicinity.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 2d, 1896.
AN ACT to repeal Chapter 377 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January session, 1894,
which was an Act to repeal section 17 of Article 56 of the
Code of Public General Laws, title "Licenses," sub-title
" Brokers," and to add additional sections to Article 23 of
the Public General Laws of Maryland, title " Corpora-
ions," sub-title "Insurance Department" said sections to fol-
low Section 143, and to be known as 143 A, 143 B, 143 C,
143 D.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Chapter 377 of the Acts of 1894, be and the same
is hereby repealed, and that section 17 of Article 56 of the
Code of Public General Laws, be re-enacted, so as to read as
follows :
17. Any person applying for the same and paying the sum
of one hundred dollars, may obtain a license for carrying on
the business of insurance broker. An insurance broker, under
the provisions of this section, shall be one who makes the
securing of policies of insurance from companies other than
those commissioning him to act as agent, and who has a certifi-
cate. so to do from the Insurance Commissioner of the State of
Maryland. And the securing of such policies is a special
feature of his business. An agent of insurance holding a cer-
tificate as above, or a solicitor for the same actually located
and employed in the office of said broker or insurance agent,
as aforesaid, for insurance, shall not be deemed an insurance
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7th, 1896.