William L. Glenn to The Vestry of the Church of the Atone-
ment in Baltimore city, and to the holding of said lot by said
corporation in fee simple, with full power to sell, lease, mort-
gage, or in any other way to dispose of. the same.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effeqt
from the day of its passage.
Approved February 4, 1896.
AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and Council of Salisbury,
Wicomico County, to purchase a site for a fire engine house
and to erect a house on the same, and authorize the issuing
of bonds for defraying the cost of said lot and house.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Gentral Assembly of Mary-
May purchase
site for en-
gine house.
land, That the Mayor and Council of Salisbury, Wicomico
county, be and are authorized to purchase a site for a fire
engine house and to erect a house on the same, to be used for
a fire engine house and such other public uses as the Mayor
and Council may authorize and direct.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of defray-
ing the cost and expense of purchasing a lot for building a
fire engine house thereon, the Mayor and Council of Salisbury,
May issue
Wicomico county, are empowered to borrow money, not exceed-
ing four thousand dollars ($4,000), on the faith and credit of
said town, and to issue bonds of indebtedness in denomination
of five hundred dollars, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding
five per cent, per annum, payable annually; the said bonds to
be made payable in equal series of one, two, three, four, five,
six, seven and eight years, and to commence the redemption
of same in the year nineteen hundred; said bonds shall be
numbered, and redeemed as numbered, commencing with num-
ber one; and the Mayor and Council shall levy a special tax,
annually, to meet and pay the interest on said bonds when
issued, and a special tax the year preceding to meet and pay
the bonds as they may become due; and all taxes levied as
herein directed shall be due and demandable on the first day
of January succeeding their levy; provided said bonds shall
not be sold at less than par.