At a Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, begun
and held in the City of Annapolis, on the first day of
January, 1896, His Excellency LLOYD LOWNDES, being
Governor, the following laws we're enacted, to wit :
AN ACT to grant and declare the sanction and consent of
the General Assembly of Maryland to a sale and convey-
ance by John M. Glenn and William L. Glenn to The
Vestry of the Church of the Atonement in Baltimore city,
of a certain lot of ground in Baltimore city, and to the
holding of said lot by the said The Vestry of the Church of
the Atonement in Baltimore city, in fee simple, with full
power to dispose of the same.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the sanction and consent of the General Assembly
of Maryland, be and the same are hereby declared, given and
granted, to the sale and grant by John M. Glenn and William
L. Glenn, to The Vestry of the Church of the Atonement in
Baltimore city, a body corporate, duly incorporated, under the
Jawe of the State of Maryland, of a lot of ground situate in
Baltimore city, and State of Maryland, on the southwest
corner of Preston and Chester streets, fronting sixty feet on
Preston street, with an even depth southwardly on Chester
street of one hundred and twenty-four first, and to a deed in
fee simple, conveying said lot from John M. Glenn and
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