SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said corporation may receive
in trust and may control, for the purpose of such trusts, all
money or other property which may be bestowed upon such
corporation by will, deed or in any other form of gift or con-
veyance for any general corporation purpose or in aid of
the indigent and poor or for charitable purpose within said
village; and the said corporation may lease or otherwise dis-
pose of any property which may be hereafter acquired by said
village, having first given public notice of such lease or sale
in one or more of the newspapers printed in Caroline county,
once a week for three successive weeks before such lease or
May receive
money, etc.,
in trust.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the boundaries and limits
of said town shall be as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point
where the center of Central avenue intersects the center of
the Delaware and Chesapeake Railroad, and running with
center of said railroad in a northeasterly direction one-half
mile to a point in center of said railroad, which said point
shall be the beginning for the outlines of said incorporation ;
and from thence in a northerly direction on a line parallel
with said Central avenue one-half mile; thence in a southwest-
erly direction at right angles with line No. 1 and parallel with
first mile of said railroad one and one-fourth miles; thence
in a southerly direction at right angles with line No. 2
and parallel with said Central avenue one and one-fourth
miles; thence in northeasterly direction at right angles with
line No. 3, and parallel with line No. 2, one and one fourth
miles; thence in a northerly direction at right angles with line
No. 4, and parallel with said Central avenue three- fourths of
a mile to the center of said railroad, that place of beginning for
the outlines; provided, no taxes shall be levied by the commis-
sioners of Ridgely for corporate purposes upon any real estate
(that which is located upon opened avenues to the depth of
one hundred and eighty feet excepted) situated in said town,
unless the, same is divided into lots of one acre or less in area,
or has a dwelling house or other buildings thereon, and then
not exceeding one acre of such land, shall be taxed in addition
to the buildings; and further provided, that no public street,
avenue, alley or walk shall be opened by said commissioners of
Ridgely through the grounds of the Delaware and Chesapeake
Railroad Company, now occupied by them for passenger sta-
tion, freight house and sheds, flower grounds and ornamental
Limits of