election, shall be entitled to be registered; provided always,
that where any person shall be legally registered in any of
said wards and shall remove therefrom to any other of said
wards and remain therein, he shall be entitled to have his
name remain upon the registry list of the ward from which he
shall remove, as aforesaid, and to vote therein until he shall
reside in the ward to which -he shall have removed and remain ,
therein a sufficient time to entitle him to register therein.
159 E. The term of office of each and every person so
Term of
appointed to act as an officer of registration in any registration
district of said city of Hagerstown, shall commence immedi-
ately upon his qualifying as such officer of registration and
shall continue until the appointment and qualification of his
successor, unless such officer shall be sooner removed from
office for incompetency or misconduct, or become disqualified
by sickness from performing the duties of his office; in case it
is made known to or fonnd out by the Governor, that any
officer of registration appointed by him for said city of Hagers-
town, is or may be unable to perform his duties under this
article, within the time appointed for the performance of the
same, the Governor shall have power to appoint a capable
assistant to said officer of registration, to serve until the regis-
try or registries of voters or lists of qualified and registered
voters, then in charge of the said officer of registration, shall
be completed; such assistant officer of registration, so to be
appointed, shall possess the same qualifications required by the
officer of registration whom he may be appointed to assist, and
shall possess all the powers of said officer,' but in all contro-
verted questions, when both officers are present, in which the
opinion of the officer and assistant of registration may differ,
the decision of the principal officer of registration shall pre-
Duties of
159 H. The Mayor shall cause to be delivered to the respec-
tive officers of registration of said registration districts, on .the
second Monday in March, in the year eighteen hundred and
ninety-six, two of said registries for the ward for which said
officers of registration, respectively, shall have been appointed,
and the said respective officers of said registration, on receiv-
ing the same, shall immediately receipt therefor to the Mayor;
and in the same manner on the first Monday in March, in the
year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight; and on the same date
every two years thereafter, similar registries shall be,delivered
to said, retipective officers ,of registration, who shall accurately