transcribe into said new registries the names of all registered
voters then appearing as qualified voters upon the registries
delivered as aforesaid, the second year preceding the delivery
of said new registries; and the said officers of registration
shall transcribe in the registries delivered to them, respectively,
in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, the names of all
registered voters then appearing upon the registries delivered
to the officers of registration for said Hagerstown in the year
eighteen hundred and ninety-four.
159 I. The said officers of registration, appointed for any
registration district in the city of Hagerstown, shall endorse
upon the back and write at the head of each registry of voters
delivered to him, as aforesaid, the number of the ward of
which such books may be, respectively, the registries of said
voters; and shall sit for the purpose of ascertaining and regis-
tering in the said two duplicate registries of voters of each of
the wards of which they may be officers of registration, at
some place to be selected by him, as convenient as possible to
all residents of said wards, for three successive days in March
in each year; said sittings to begin on the second Monday in
March, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and on
the first Monday in March in each year thereafter. They
shall also sit on the second Wednesday after the second Monday
in March, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and
on the second Wednesday after the first Monday in March in
each year thereafter, for the hearing of applications for re-
instatement by persons whose names shall have been stricken
off; the said respective officers of registration shall sit at said
several sittings with, open doors from nine o'clock A. M. to
nine o'clock P. M. on each day of their sessions, and their
proceedings, while so sitting, shall be public and open to free
inspection, without any obstruction whatever.
Duties of
159 J. The several officers of registration shall give in each
year a collective notice, signed by them, of their said respec-
tive sittings, to be held in said year, under the provisions of
this Article, and of the place of sitting in each ward, and of
the times at which each of said respective sittings shall take
place; said notice shall be given by said officers of registration
four days before the first day of their respective sittings, by
publication in two newspapers published in Hagerstown of
opposite political opinions, and by handbills set up in such
public places in each registration district as each .of said
offices of registration shall select in their respective districts.
Notice of