Yishayer Hebrew Congregation of Baltimore City, a body
corporate, duly incorporated under the Laws of the State of
Maryland to the said Trustees of the Ohel Jacob Vishayer
Hebrew Congregation of Baltimore City.
WHEREAS, At a regular meeting of the members of the
Agndath Acheni Ohel Jacob Vishayer Hebrew Congregation
of Baltimore City, a corporation duly incorporated under the
laws of the State of Maryland, it was determined to unite
with the members of the Anachey Chesed Bialestock Hebrew
Congregation of Baltimore City, a corporation duly incorpo-
rated under the Laws of the State of Maryland, and form a
new religious corporation; and,
WHEREAS, It was determined to assign all its property to the
new congregation; and,
WHEREAS, The trustees of the Ohel Jacob Vishayer Hebrew
Congregation of Baltimore City, a corporation duly incorpo-
rated under the Laws of the State of Maryland, is the corpor-
ation formed by the union of the members of the two
corporations aforesaid.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the assignment dated April 17th, 1894, of the trustees;
of the Agndath Acheni Ohel Jacob Vishayer Hebrew Congre-
gation of Baltimore City, a body corporate duly incorporated
under the laws of the State of Maryland, of all its property of
all and every kind to the trustees of the Ohel Jacob Vishayer
Hebrew Congregation of Baltimore City, a corporation duly
incorporated under the laws of the State of Maryland, be and
the same is hereby sanctioned, confirmed and made valid, and
the said the trustees of the Ohel Jacob Vishayer Hebrew Con-
gregation of Baltimore City, a corporation duly incorporated
under the laws of the State of Maryland, is authorized and
empowered to hold all the property assigned to it as aforesaid
as fully as the said, the trustees of the Agndath Acheni Ohel
Jacob Vishayer Hebrew Congregation of Baltimore City, a
corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the State
of Maryland could or might have held it.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March ,6th, 1896.