AN ACT to add a new section to Article 4 of the Code of
Public -Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," sub-title
"Jurors," to come in after Section 591, and to be known as
Section 591 A, relating to the drawing of additional Jurors
for the several common law Courts of Baltimore city, and to
repeal Sections 587, 588, 589 and 590 of said Article, and
all other sections and parts of sections inconsistent with said
Section 591 A.
SECTION 1. Se it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new section, to be designated section 591 A, to
come in after section 591 of Article 4 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," sub-title "Jurors," be
and the same is hereby added to said Article, to read as follows:
591 A. In addition to the four hundred names to be drawn
as provided by section 586 of this Article, it shall be the duty
New section.
of said judge or judges who shall attend said drawing to cause
to be drawn in the mode pointed out in said section 586, or in
such other mode as shall be prescribed by the Supreme Bench
of Baltimore city, one hundred additional jurors, or such
other number as shall be deemed necessary to be drawn by the
Supreme Bench of Baltimore city, which said jurors so drawn,
together with the said four hundred jurors, shall, under such
regulations as shall be prescribed by the Supreme Bench of
Baltimore city, serve from time to time as jurors in the com-
mon law courts of Baltimore city, and for such length of
time as said courts shall prescribe, and power is hereby con-
ferred upon said Supreme Bench of Baltimore city, to pre-
scribe by rule for the mode, time and place for the drawing of
jurors, for the organization thereof, and for the distribution
among the said several common law courts of Baltimore city,
of the jurors whose drawing is provided for by the several
sections of this Article as well as by this new section, and to
regulate the length of time for which the jurors drawn as
aforesaid shall serve.
Drawing of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That sections 587, 568, 589 and
590, of said Article, and all other sections and parts of sections
inconsistent with the new section, be and the same are hereby
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 6th, 1896.