dollars for the benefit of St. Stephen's Church, Anne Arundel
county, Maryland; 2. To the bequests of John Tolley Worth-
ington, of two thousand dollars for the benefit of St. John's
Church, Western Run Parish, Baltimore county, Maryland ;
3. To the grant of Theodore C. Gambrall, Charles F. Taylor
and Edward Higgins, to a certain tract of land and improve-
ments at or near "Curtis Bay," Anne Arundel county, Mary-
land; 4. To the bequests and devises contained in the last
"Will" of C. Spraight Keerl, late of Baltimore city; 5. To
the grant and assignment of Miss Ann Donnell and Miss
Susan B. A. Keerl, of certain interests in the estate of Evers-
field Keerl, late of Baltimore city; 6. To the grant of the
Vestry of St. Mary's Church, Hampden, Baltimore county,
Maryland, of a lot of ground in that village; 7. To the
bequest of Mrs. Ann Claggett of Frederick, Maryland, of
three thousand dollars, the interest to be applied to the salary
of the rector of St. Mark's Parish in Frederick county ;
8. To the bequests in the will of Mrs. Laura E. Gray of
Frederick county, Maryland, of six thousand dollars, the
interest to be applied to the various religious and benevolent
objects set out in said "Will."
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 6th, 1896.
AN ACT to authorize the Commissioner of the Land Office to
have prepared for the use of the Land Office, copies of the
military lots in Allegany and Garrett counties, granted by
the State of Maryland to officers and soldiers of the war
of the Revolution, and to appropriate a sum of money to
pay therefor.
WHEREA.S, The maps of the military lots in Allegany and
Garrett counties, prepared under the provisions of chapter 322
of the acts of the January session, 1874, of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, have become much defaced and broken, and
will be in a short time unfit for use.
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Commissioner of the Land Office be, and he is
hereby authorized and directed to have prepared, copies of said
maps for the use of his office.
Maps to be