by the county, according to the full value thereof, in such
manner as the justices of the levy court shall direct and ap-
SEC, 7. And be it enacted, That the said supervisors shall
have full power, and they are hereby authorised and required
to call upon all and singular the free negroes and mulattoes,
and the taxable free male inhabitants of their respective li-
mits, above the age of twenty one, and under the age of forty
five years, and upon all and singular the able bodied male
slaves residing therein, above the age of sixteen years, to
labor and assist in clearing, amending, improving and repairs.
ing the several and respective roads aforesaid, and to require
such and so many of the said persons as they shall from time
to time deem necessary, to assemble at such place within
their respective limits, as the said supervisors shall severally
CHAP. 96.
Authorised to call
upon persons to
appoint, with sufficient implements of labor, and thereupon
to proceed in the execution of such work and labor upon the
said roads, for the improvement and repair thereof, as the
respective supervisors shall order and direct, and the said
supervisors shall also have power to hue and employ carts
and teams for the carrying and removing all such siones, dirt,
gravel and timber, as may be deemed requisite for repairing
To hire persons
and completing the said roads and bridges, and the expanse
of such carts and teams shall be levied upon the county, and
Expenses to be le-
which shall not exceed the sum of one dollar per day for each
cart and team so employed.
Price limited.
SEC. 8 And be it enacted, That within one month after the
receipt of their respective, warrants, the several supervisors
aforesaid, under the directions of the said justices shall re-
pair to the house of every tenant or proprietor residing within
his limits attached to their respective roads, and shall take
dawn a proper list of the names of all and singular the free
negroes and mulattoes, and the free taxable male inhabitants
Residing therein, above the age of twenty one, and under the
age of forty five years, and of all the male slaves above the
age of sixteen vears; and the said supervisors shall justly and
Supervisors to
make lists of per-
impartially call for and require the labor of all and singular
the persons aforesaid, alternately, and in such convenient
numbers and classes as to place the burthen of their service
equally upon all : Provided, nevertheless, That the labour of
the said persons shall not be called forth for the purposes of
this act during the season of harvest, nor in such manner as
Apportion labor
to take more than half the number of laborers belonging to
one family at the same time.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That as often as the said super-
visors shall judge it necessary to call upon the said inhabi-
tants lor their labor in and upon the said roads, they shall
summon, or cause to be summoned, the number and class
which they shall have previously arranged, having had regard
to the quantity and quality of work necessary to be done upon
the said roads, giving each person,and master, mistress or over-
seer of each servant or slave so to be summoned, two day a
notice at the least of the time and place appointed for they
Notice and sum-
mons to labor