CHAP. 96.
labor, except in such extraordinary cases which may require
a shorter notice; and every person so summoned shall be oblig-
ed to attend in person, or to -provide a sufficient substitute,
and if any pel son, being so summoned, shall neglect or refuse
Penalty for neg-
lect to perform du-
to attend, or to provide a sufficient substitute, he shall forfeit
and pay the sum of fifty cents for every offence; and if any
person shall attend and not perform the reasonable labor in-
quired of him by the supervisor, cf the road, according to his
ability, he shall be adjudged a defaulter, and shall incur the
same penalty as if he had neglected to attend and in case the
master, mistress or overseer of any sen ant or slave, upon
being notified as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to send
such servant or slave, or upon sending, such servant or slave
shall refuse to perform such reasonable labor as aforesaid,
such master, mistress or overseer shall forfeit and pay the sum
of fifty cents for every servant or slave so refused to be sent,
or n hen sent, refusing to work as aforesaid.
List of defaulters
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the said supervisors to keep a true and proper list of all and
every person or defaulter, who, being summoned as aforesaid,
shall neglect or refuse to attend at the times and places ap-
pointed as aforesaid, or if attending, shall not perform his
reasonable labor, and of every master, mistress or overseer
cf servants ami slaves, who shall incur the penalty aforesaid,
and the said supervisors of roads shall, once in every three
mouths, call upon each and every of the said persons, and de-
mand the payment of all and singular the sums of money by
Recovery of forfei-
them or any of them so forfeited, and on refusal or neglect to
pay the same, the said supervisors shall proceed to recover
Account for col-
the same before a single magistrate, by due course of law,
and the said supervisors shall, every six months, render their
accounts of all fines and forfeitures received by them in vir-
tue of this act to the justices of the levy court, upon oath or
affirmation, and pay the amount thereof in such manner as the
said justices shall order and appoint.
Vacancy of com-
missioner supplied
Sec, 11. And be it enacted, That if any of the supervisors
so to be appointed shall refuse to act, remove, become dis-
qualified, or die, it shall and may be lawiul for any two of
the neighbouring justices to supply t very vacancy so'happen-
ing by the appointment of another person, and they shall cer-
tify every such appointment, under their hands, to the clerk of
the county, who shall record the same, and within five days
thereafter shall issue a warrant to the person so appointed,
and deliver the same to the sheriff, to be served upon the par-
ty as herein before directed.
Compensation to
supervisors $10
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That every supervisor so to be
appointed by virtue oi this act, shall respectively be allowed
a sum not exceeding ten dollars by the year, for summoning,
directing and superintending the laborers employed upon the
said roads, which allowance shall be paid to them by the
justices of the levy court, out of the fines and forfeitures im-
posed and levied by this act, and if found to be insufficient for
this purpose at the expiration of every year, the deficiency