CHAP 96.
Penalty for neg-
lect of supervisors
ed and required, from time to time, to superintend the making
and repairing of the said roads, bridges and causeways, and
to direct and advise the supervisors thereof in the execution of
this act.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if any of the said, supervi-
sors shall not well and sufficiently clear, grub, mend and re-
pair the said several and respective roads committed to their
charge, within a reasonable time after the same shall be out of
repair, or shall not make and keep in repair good and substan-
tial bridges and ditches over the heads of rivers, creeks,branches
or swamps, where the same shall be necessary as aforesaid, or
shall not remove all nuisances from the said roads, or shall
not well and sufficiently causeway, agreeably to the provisions
of this act, all and singular such places in and upon the said
roads as shall require the same, or shall permit or suffer any
fallen trees, or other obstructions, to remain in or across any
of the said public roads lor the spare of two days after notice
thereof, or shall neglect to fell, or cause to be felled and
removed, all decayed or dead trees on either side of the said
public roads, whose limbs or any of them hanging over the
same, and may by their failing injure travellers, or shall not
lop and cut off all limbs or branches of trees hanging or pro-
jecting over the said roads, within fifteen feet above the sur-
face thereof, or shall in any other manner fail or neglect to
perform the duties of a supervisor of the said roads, accord
ing to the directions of this act, every such supervisor, so
failing or neglecting, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dol-
lars for every offence, except committed in the time of wheat
Powers granted to
supervisors to use
materials, &c.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful
for the several and respective supervisors of the said roads,
and they are hereby authorised and empowered, as need shall
require, to dig, take, and remove, any stones, gravel, or earth
of firm quality, which may be found on any land adjoining
the roads for which the same may be necessary, and to em-
ploy the same in the repairing of the said reads, and for mak-
ing or repairing of bridges over the heads of rivers, creeks,
ditches, branches, swamps, or other law and miry places,
through and over which the said roads may pass; to cut
down, or cause to be cut down, any tree or trees growing on
any of the nest adjacent lands to such places where bridges
may be necessary as aforesaid, and the same trees to maul
and carry away from off such lands, and to apply the same to
the making or repairing of the said bridges: Provided always,
That no enclosures shall be laid open or entered into to ob-
tain the several materials aforesaid, without the consent of
Further proviso
the owner or owners thereof: And provided also,That before
any tree or trees shall be cut down for the purposes aforesaid,
notice thereof shall be given to the owner, tenant or overseer,
and a memorandum oi the same signed by the supervisor,
shall be delivered at the time to the owner, tenant, or over-
seer, and due coin pensation made or secured to him or them