CHAP. 10,
signaled by the said act, to which this is a supplement, on whose
behalf and for the management of whose temporal concerns
the persons in the said act named, and their successors, are
incorporated by the name of the Elders of Zion Church in
Baltimore county, and that all the rights, property, powers
and privileges mentioned in the said act are hereby confirmed
to the said corporation for and on behalf of the said congrega-
tions by the said name of :" The German Reformed and Lu-
theran Church of Baltimore county."
Passed January 19
An act for the benefit of Joseph Richardson, clerk of Caroline
county court.
Time extended.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly -b f Maryland, That
Joseph Richardson, clerk of Caroline county court, be, and he
is hereby authorised and empowered to send out his fees due
for the year eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, for collection
or execution at any time before the fifteenth day of May next,
any thing, in any law, to the contrary notwithstanding; Pro-
vided, That every sheriff in whose hands fees shall be placed
by the said Joseph Richardson for collection, shall be allow-
ed until the fifteenth day of July next, to deliver the accounts
of fees or bills of particulars to the respective persons from
whom they are due, and to the fifteenth day oi December
next to account for, and pay over the same to the said Joseph
Richardson, or his order.
Passed January 19 ,
An act to authorise the Levy Court of Somerset county to con-
tract for the removal of certain obstructions in Monokin Ri-
ver and its several branches , and to levy the expenses thereof
upon the satd county.
Contracts and levy
SECTION 1 , Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the justices of the levy court of Somerset county,
be, and they hereby are, authorised and empowered to con-
tract on the best obtainable terms, for the removal of all stakes,
sticks and other obstructions, arising from any ancient wier
or wiers, in Manokin river and us Several branches, and to
levy the expenses thereof upon the assessable property of the
said county.
Weirs to be re-
SEC 2. And be h enacted, That it shall be the duty of eaek
and every person or persons, who shall hereafter set, or be
concerned in any wier or wkrs, in the waters of the said
county, to remove the same, and every part thereof, immedi-
ately after the end of the fishing season, in each and every
successive year.
Fine for neglect
SEC. 3, And be it enacted, That if any person or persons,
shall violate the provisions of this act by neglecting to per-