sum due to him for such attendance, including the mileage
now a towed by law, shall be sufficient authority to the said
collector to pay the amount so specified in the said certificate.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said collector shall an
nually settle his accounts with the said Levy court for the mo-
nies which he may have collected under the provisions of this
act, and pay over to the said Levy court any surplus remain-
ing in his hands, which surplus, if any, shall be applied to
county uses.
Collcetor to ac-
count annually.
An act to confirm and make valid the names of George Wash-
ington Brown, and Edward Lewis Brown of Harford coun-
Passed January 17
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, that thr names oi George Washington Brown and Ed-
ward Lewis Brown, of Harford county, be confirmed, and it
shall and may be lawfui for the said George Washington
Brown and Edward Lewis Brown, at all times hereafter to be
called und known by, and hold and use the name of George
Washingion Brown and Edward Lewis Brown, and by that
Names confirmed.
name to sue and be sued, in any court of equity or law.
SEC, 2 And be it enacted^ 1 hat all securities, promises, con-
tracts, assurances, deeds and lawful acts whatsoever, hereaf-
ter tone made and done by the name oi George Washington
Brown and Edward Lewis Brown, shall be of the same force
and effect, and equally avail to all intents and purposes as if
it bad been the proper name of the said George Washington
Brown and Edward Lewis Brown.
Acts confirmed.
A supplement to the act entitled, "An act to incorporate a Pres-
byterian and Lutheran Church in the county of Baltimore"
parsed at November session, eighteen hundred chapter four-
Passed January 17
WHEREAS, It is represented by the petition of a number
of members cf the congregation intended to be designated
by the name of the Presbyterian and Lutheran Church, in the
county of Baltimore, mentioned in the act to which this is a
supplement, that the said same is not the proper name of their
Church; and they have prayed in as much, as the same consists
of the German Reformed and Lutheran Congregations, that
the same be corrected by changing the word "Presbyterian,"
to German Reformed, therefore;
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the German Reformed and Lutheran Church of Baltimore
county, shall hereafter be defined and considered the name
of the Church or associated congregations intended to fee de-
Designation chan-