form the duty enjoined by the preceding section, the same
shall be liable to a fine of one hundred dollars, to be recover-
ed, with costs, by indictment in the county court, one half
thereof, when recovered, to be for the benefit of the informer,
and the other half to the public treasury of this state, to be
collected and paid as other fines are collected and paid.
CHAP. 12.
An act for the further relief of Edward Alexander of Cecil
Passed January 21,
Be U enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Justices of the Levy court of Cecil county, be, and they
are hereby authorised and empowered, at their next annual
meeting, and so long as they shall see cause to do so, to as-
sess and levy on the assessable property of said county, the
sum of twenty dollars, for the use of Edward Alexander of
Cecil county; in addition to the sum of twenty dollars, al-
ready allowed him by said Levy court, under the act of As-
sembly, entitled, An act for the relief of sundry poor persons
in the several counties therein mentioned; passed at December
session eighteen hundred and twenty five, chapter two hun.
dred and two.
Additional levy,
Of $20 authorised.
A supplement to an act, entitled, An act for building a bridge
over the north-west fork of the Nanticoke river in Caroline
county, at or near a place called and known by the name of
the Old Bloomery, amd for other purposes therein named,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-
Passed January 21,
WHEREAS, doubts have arisen about the construction of a
law, passed at December session eighteen hundred and twen-
ty-six, for building a bridge over the north west fork branch
of the Nanticoke river, in Caroline county, at or near a place
called the Old Bloomery, and for other purposes therein men-
tioned — Therefore,
SECTION 1, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland. That it may and shall be lawful for the commission-
ers named in the original law to which this is a supplement, or
a majority of them, "if the levy court of Caroline county, or a
majority of said court, shall think it advisable" to build a
bridge over the said Nanticoke river, as is provided by the o
riginal law to which this is a supplement, ana to open a road
from the south east side of said bridge across the same, and
to extend the Toad along the old mill dam, or below the same,
until it intersects the main road leading from the said Blooms
ry mill to Federalsburg, without being obliged to open and
Authority granted