CHAP. 7.
be entitled to receive for each day that he shall attend as a ju-
ror, the sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents, and in additi-
on thereto an allowance of three cents per mile, for every mile
that his place of residence shall be distant from the place of
holding the county court, the same to be allowed him for go-
ing to and also returning from the court, and to be levied, col-
lected and paid in the same manner, and at the same time,
with his per deem allowance, and he shall be- entitled to re-
ceive mileage for coming to, and returning from court for each
day such juror may attend the court.
Sheriff to return
the distance.
SEC. 2, And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
sheriff summoning such jurors to not upon the list of the <
same, before he returns it to the clerk of the county court, the
distance each juror summoned, resides from the place of hold-
ing the county court, and the said clerk to return a copy of
such list of jurors with the distance of their respective places
of residence, to the levy court of Dorchester county, to enable
them to make the levy as aforesaid.
Passed January 11,
An act to provide for the payment of Jurors in Dorchester
Levy aurhorized
for 1828 and '9.
SECTION, 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the Levy court of Dorchester county , be, and
they are hereby authorised and required to levy on the assess-
able property of said county, at the usual time of making the
county levy in the year eighteen hundred and twenty ei^ht,
such sum of money, as the sai l levy court may deem suffici-
ent, to defray the expanses which have bee-n or may be incur-
red by the attendance of. Jurymen at Dorchester county court,
during the years eighteen hundred and twenty eight and twen-
ty nine.
Anual levy there-
SEC. 2. And be h enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said Levy cum t as aforesaid, in the ytai eighteen hundred and
twenty nine, and annually thereafter, to levy such sum of mo-
ney as they may deem sufficient to pay the expenses which
tnay be annually incurred by the attendance of Jurymen at
Dorchester county court.
To be collected,
SEC. 3, And be it enacted, That the sum or sums of money
directed to be levied by this act, shall be collected by the col-
lector of Dorchester county, as otner county charges are now
collected, and shall be accounted for by him, as hereinafter
Jurymen to be
paid at time expira-
tion of each term
SEC 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
collector of said county, to pav to the Jurymen. of said couny
immediately after the termination of each and every court,
such sum of money as they may severally be entitled to re-
Certificate shall
be paid be Collec-
ceive for their attendance at said courtf as furors.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That a certificate signed by the
clerk of the county court expressing the number of days
which any Juryman may have attended said court, and the