Papers be for-
And the editor of such newspaper shall be required to send
one copy of such newspaper to every printer within the state,
and also to furnish as many copies separate from the news-
paper as the executive may consider necessary, to be certified
and forwarded immediately to the county court of each coun-
ty, to the city court of Baltimore, and to the visitors of the
No, 81,
Passed March 15,
A resolution suspending proceedings on judgments obtained by the state
of Maryland against the securities of the administratrix of William
H. Nicholson, late of Queen Anns county.
Proceedings sus-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all
proceedings on the judgments obtained by the state, in Queen
Anns county court, against Richard J. Jones and John Tilgh-
man, the securities of the administratrix of William H Nichol-
son, be suspended until the twentieth of December next: Pro-
vided, The deputy of the attorney general for Queen Anns
county court, on the Eastern Shore, shall be of opinion that
the balance on the said judgments is perfectly secure, and
certify the same to the treasurer of the Eastern Shore.
No, 82.
Passed March 15
A resolution providing for the payment of the itinerancy of Gideon
Pearce from Somerset county to the scat of government,
Payment directed,
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and
he is hereby directed to pay to Gideon Pearce, his itinerancy
from Somerset county to this place, out of any unappropri-
ated money in the treasury,
No. 83.
Passed March 15,
Resolutions with their preamble respectful to the memory of the late
Colonel John Eager Howard.
WHEREAS, the, past year has numbered among the illustri-
ous dead Colonel John Eager Howard a native of Maryland,
one of the most distinguished officers of the war of the revo-
lution, formerly chief magistrate of this state, afterwards our
senator in congress, and at all times one of the most honorable
and virtuous of our citizens; and whereas, public opinion,
which delighted to honor this good man whilst living, requires
that proper respect and veneration for his memory should be
recorded in our legislative proceedings — Therefore,
Expression of re-
Resolved unanimously, That the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland .deeply regret as a public loss the death of Colonel
John Eager Howard, whose courage and conduct raised the
Maryland line to that high character which our troops acquir-