ed and maintained during the struggle for our national inde-
Resolved unanimously, That his excellency the Governor
be, and he is hereby authorised to procure a portrait of
Colonel Howard, (for the cost whereof he may draw upon
the treasurer of the Western Shore, who shall pay the same)
which portrait shall be placed in the chamber of the House
of Delegates.
Portrait pre-
Resolved unanimously , That the Governor be requested to
transmit a copy of these resolutions to the family of the de-
Resolution to be
No. 84.
A resolution authorising the printing of the bill, entitled, an act f or the
general valuation and assessment of property in this state, at the end
of the journal of proceedings of the House of Delegates.
Passed March 15,
Resolved, That the bill, entitled, an act for the general va-
luation and assessment of property in this state, as last sent
from the House of Delegates to the Senate, adopted by the
House of Delegates and rejected by the Senate, at the present
session of the General Assembly of Maryland, be printed at
the end of the journal of proceedings of this House.
Publication direc-
No. 85.
Resolution requiring the Governor and Council to transmit to our Se-
nators und Representatives in Congress copies of a certain resolution
in favor of the establishment of a Naval Academy at the City of An-
Passed March 18
Resolved, That the Governor be requested to forward to
each of our senators and representatives in the congress of the
United States a copy of the resolution, number seventeen,
passed at December session, eighteen huadred and twenty five,
in favor of the establishment of a naval academy, and calling
the attention of congress to the superior advantages which
the city of Annapolis and its neighborhood possesses as a
situation for such an institution.
Resolution of 1828
to be forwarded