No. 79,
A report of the committee on claims, on the memorial of D. H. Bingham
of Frederick town in Frederick county with a resolution for the rein-
bursement of expenses incurred by him in repairing the barracks at
or near said town.
Passed March 13
The committee on claims, to whom was referred the memo-
rialof D. H. Bingham, praying remuneration for repairing
the barracks at or near Fredericktown — beg leave to report,
that by a resolution passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and twenty six, number ten, they find the sum of
three hundred dollars appropriated for the purpose of repair-
ing said barracks, to be expended under the direction of the
said D. H. Bingham; and the said D, H. Bingham having
produced to your committee satisfactory evidence of his faith-
ful application of the said sum of three hundred dollars, as
also of his having expended, out of his own funds, over and
above the appropriation, the additional sum of six hundred
and seventy three dollars and twenty one cents, in miking the
necessary repairs of the said barracks, for which it seems rea-
sonable that he ought to be reimbursed; your committee
therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolution:
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
the said D. H. Bingham the sum of six hundred and seventy
three dollars and twenty one cents, the sum expended by the
Payment author-
said D; H- Bingham ovef and above the appopriation made
by the aforesaid resolution: Provided, That the said D, H.
Bingham, before receiving from the treasurer of the Western
Shore the sum of money hereby appropriated, he shall give
bond to the state of Maryland, with sufficient security, to bo
approved by the treasurer of the Western shore, for the pay-
ment of one hundred dollars in addition to the sum required
of him by the before recited resolution, annually, for the term,
of six years, as a rent for the said premises..
No. 80
A resolution authorising the Governor and Council to have published
without delay, certain public acts passed at the present session of the
Passed March 14
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Governor and Council be, and they are hereby requested to
have published without delay in one of the newspapers in the
state, the following public acts which have been passed during
the present session viz:.
An additional supplement to the act, entitled, an act con-
cerning crimes and punishments, chapter fifteen;
A further additional supplement to the aforesaid act, chap-
ter thirty seven;
An additional supplement to the said act, chapter sixty-
A further additional supplement to the act, entitled, an act
for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, chapter seventy;
Order to publish