penalty of one hundred dollars, on or before the first day of
January, in each and every year hereafter, to prepare and trans-
mit to the treasurer of the Western Shore, a detailed state-
ment of the aggregate of valuation, rate of tax per hundred
dollars, amount of levy, and each general charge of expendi-
ture, as full and complete, as may be in the several counties
of this state, and in the city of Baltimore, in the form which
accompanies this resolution, or as near thereto, as may consist
with the said general charges, excepting so far as relates to the
city of Baltimore, with respect to which, the form shall be
adopted to the charges of the said city, and the statement
Treasurer to report
to legislature
shall also exhibit an account of the money .received in the trea-
sury of the said city; and it shall be the duty of the said trea-
surer to report to the legislature in the second week of every
session, a general view of the said statements.
No. 78.
Passed March 15,
Resolutions in favor of the securities of Robert H. Scharf late collector
of the state tax, and of the county rate and assessment of Baltimore
Proceedings sus-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
attorney for and on behalf of the state of Maryland, in Balti-
more county :be, and he ^s hereby authorised and required, on
all judgments now obtained or hereafter to be obtained, on
suits depending in the county court of said county, against
the securities of Robert H. Scharf, by appointment of the jus-
tices of the levy court of Baltimore county, late one of the col-
lectors of the state tax imposed by the said justices in pursu-
ance of an act of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed
at December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, enti-
tled an actto provide a revenue for the support of government
of this state, for all that part of the city of Baltimore compris-
ing the sixth, seventh and eighth wards, -and also by the said
justices appointed late collector of the county rate or assess-
ment imposed by said justices for the year eighteen hundred
and twenty five, to stay all proceedings sifter judgments as
aforesaid, against the said securities, or against the executors
or administrators of said securities, until the first-day of March
which shall be in the year eighteen hundred and thirty: Pro-
vided, the said attorney for and on behalf of the state shall be
of opinion that the amount due and owing on said judgement
or judgments is well secured: And provided also, That all and
any of said judgments, upon which proceedings shall be stay-
ed as aforesaid, shall continue and remain in full force, and
executions may be issued thereon at any time after the expi-
ration of such stay.
Resolved, That the said securities be, and they are hereby
authorised to complete the collections of the said Robert H.