No. 75.
A resolution relative to the new State Warehouse, for the Inspec-
tion of tobacco about to be erected in the city of Baltimore.
Passed March 18
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Governor and Council be, and they are hereby authorised and
required, to direct the superintendant, under whose care and
attention, the new state warehouse, for the inspection of to-
bacco, is about to be erected, and by whom all the labor and
materials necessary for the erection of the same, are procured
or purchased, that in all purchases of the principal materials
hereafter to be made by him, before he shall make any contract
for any labor or other principal materials for the building of
said state tobacco warehouse; he shall issue proposals for
the supply of the same, and publish the same three times a
Advertisement for
week for at least two successive weeks, in two of the newspa-
pers published in the city of Baltimore: And provided, That
nothing herein contained, shall be construed to affect any
Contract already made by" the said superintendant, or the con-
tract made by the Governor and Council With him, and that
the different proposals submitted to him, shall be transmitted
by him to the clerk of the council, whose duty it shall be to
report the same to the next General Assembly, together with
all sums allowed to agents, superintendant, and others em-
ployed in the erection of said warehouse, and all the bills of
materials and supplies purchased by the superintendant, and
Receipts for money paid by him.
Report to clerk of
Council, who is di-
rected to import to
the legislature
No. 76.
A resolution providing for the payment of the Members, Clerks and
ether Officers of the Legislature their per diem al owance since the
closing of the Journal of Accounts, up to the sixteenth of March
Passed March 28
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
each member of the legislature, with the clerks and other offi-
cers, such per diem as they may be entitled to, since the clos-
ing of the journal of accounts, up to the sixteenth of March,
inclusive, and that the committee of claims furnish the said
treasurer with a list of members, clerks and other officers so
Payment directed
No. 77.
A resolution relative to returns of the assessment lists in the several
counties in this state, and the city of Baltimore.
Passed March 15
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it
shall be the duty of each and every of the clerks of the levy
courts, or commissioners of counties, as they may be, and of
the register of the city of Baltimore, in this state, under the
Penalty for neglect
to report to Trea-
surer of W. S.