what manner the amount payable to each was ascertained, and
the whole aggregate amount that has been paid to said per-
sons; whether the transcripts made up under said resolution
are copies of proceedings remaining in the Chancery Office, or
are transcribed from proceedings of record in other offices, and
where? Whether the records which have been made up have
been carefully compared with the original papers, so as to be
made conformable thereto, and by whom? And whether the
records so made up have been placed in the Chancery Office,
as directed by the original resolution, and if not, where are
Passed Feb'ry 16.
No. 18.
A joint resolution f or commemorating the birth of the illustrious-
Salute ordered
Resolved unanimously, That the Governor and Council be
requested to cause a national salute to be fired at sun rise, noon
and sun set, on the twenty-second of this month, in comme-
moration of the birth of the illustrious Washington.
Passed Feb'ry 18,
No. 19.
Resolution requesting the Governor to transmit a copy of the
bill to incorporate the Baltimore and Susquehanna rail road
company to the Legislature of Pennsylvania.
Copy to be for-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Govtrnor be, and he is hereby requested to transmit to the
Executive of the state of Pennsylvania, two official copies of
the act, entitled, An act to incorporate the Baltimore and Sus-
quehanna Rail Road Company, with a request that he will lay
the same before the Legislature of that state.
No. 20,
Passed Feb'ry 25,
A resolution in favor of John Barnes, clerk of Charles county
allowing him further time to complete Ms records.
Time es tended.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
time allowed John Barnes, clerk of Charles county, to com-
plete the recording of certain papers, judgments and judicial
proceedings, be, and is hereby extended to the first day of
January, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine