No. 7.
A resolution in favor of Washington G. Tuck, providing for the
payment of the balance due
Passed February 11
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and
he is hereby authorised to pay to Washington G, Tuck, out of
any unappropriated money in the treasury, the sum of one
thousand three hundred and eighty nine dollars and ninety
eight cents, it being the full balance due for covering the
State House, over and above the appropriation made by the
last legislature.
$1,399 90
No 8.
A resolution in favor of John Williams, of the city of Baltimore.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
John Williams, of Baltimore city, or to his order, during life,
in half yearly payments, a sum of money equal to the half
pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his services
during the revolutionary war.
Passed February 3
Half pay of private
No. 9.
A resolution in favor of John H. Hays, of St. Mary's county
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
John H. Hays, of St, Mary's county, or to his order, during
life, in half yearly payments, a sum of money equal to the
half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his ser-
vices during the revolutionary war.
Passed February 1
Half pay of private
No. 10.
A resolution in favor of Thomas White, of Baltimore County.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to
Thomas White, of Baltimore county, or to his order, during
life, in half yearly payments, a sum of money equal to tht halt
pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his services
during the revolutionary war.
Passed February 1
Half pay of private
No, 11.
A resolution in favor of Thomas Wimber, of Worcester County
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore, pay
to Thomas Wimber, of Worcester county, or to his order,
Passed February 8
Half pay of private