No. 4,
Passed January 20
A resolution in favor of Mary Sears, of Harford county.
H»Jfpiyof Lkut.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Mary Sears, of Harford county, or to her order, during life
in half yearly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay
of a lieutenant, as a further remuneration for her husband
John Sears' services during the revolutionary war.
No. 5.
Passed January 26
A resolution in favor of the State's Agent for the Western
$315 3-100 com-
Resolved, That the treasurer for the Western Shore pay to
Singleton Duval, the present State's Apent for that Shore,
three hundred and fifteen dollars and three cents — it being
the amount of commission accrued to him in virtue of the
laws of this state for the year ending first December, eighteen
hundred and twenty seven, as per account of the said trea-
No. 6.
Passed February
Resolutions providing for the repayment of certain monies paid
into the Treasury under the act of December session eighteen
hundred and twenty one, chapter tzvo hundred and forty six,
upon certain conditions therein mentioned.
Repayment direct
Resolved, That upon the application to the treasurer for
repayment of any sum or sums of money heretofore paid for
licenses tinder the act passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and twenty one, chapter two hundred and forty six,
entitled, a supplement to the act laying duties on licenses to
retailers of dry goods and for other purposes, the treasurer
shall be authorised to refund said money to the person or
persons who paid the same, or to their legal representatives
Provided That the treasurer shall be satisfied that the person
or persons who paid for such license could not have been
compelled to pay for the same by due course of law.
Opinion of attor-
ney general
Resolved That in any case of difficulty which may arise
under the foregoing resolution, the treasurer shall act under
the opinion of the attorney generaL